Uncovering Hidden Costs: Choosing Core Banking Providers Beyond Features

Ben France

January 3, 2024

In today’s dynamic banking landscape, where customer expectations are constantly evolving, the choice of a core banking provider is a pivotal decision for financial institutions. The core system serves as the backbone of your operations, impacting everything from customer service to your institution’s bottom line. However, when evaluating core banking vendors, it’s crucial to remember that not all providers are created equal. It’s never an apples-to-apples comparison so details such as support structure, pricing, and development timelines, should be carefully examined.

The Hidden Costs of Underutilized Software

As the banking industry embraces digital transformation, the demand for cutting-edge software solutions is greater than ever. Yet, a surprising trend has emerged: organizations will overspend $750 million on unused IT software features this year alone, according to CIO Magazine, citing analyst firm Gartner. Another report by SaaS management platform Zylo found that companies waste more than $17 million on unused or redundant software applications each year.

But it’s not just in the broader IT landscape that this waste exists. There are specific costs related to underutilized core banking software and financial institutions should be aware that while some of these costs are hidden, they can quickly add up.

  1. Licensing Fees: Core banking software licenses can be expensive, and financial institutions often pay for user licenses or features that are not fully utilized. This represents a direct cost associated with underutilization.
  2. Missed Revenue Opportunities: Underutilizing solutions for cross-selling and upselling financial products can result in missed opportunities to generate revenue through these features.
  3. Increased Operational Costs: Inefficient use of core banking software can lead to manual workarounds and increased operational costs.
  4. Maintenance and Support: Financial institutions typically pay maintenance and support fees for their core banking software. If the software is not fully utilized, these fees may not be justified.
  5. Compliance Costs: Non-compliance with regulatory requirements due to underutilized features can lead to fines and legal costs. Core banking systems often include features for compliance reporting and monitoring that, when unused, can result in compliance risks.
  6. Training Expenses: If employees are not trained to use all aspects of the core banking software, additional training costs may be required to ensure effective utilization. Some vendors even charge for training videos.
  7. Customer Service and Satisfaction: Underutilization can affect the quality of service provided to customers. This can result in customer dissatisfaction and potentially lead to customer attrition, which has its own associated costs.
  8. Data Management Costs: Core banking systems often have tools for data analytics and reporting. When these tools are underutilized, financial institutions may miss opportunities for data-driven decision-making, potentially impacting the institution’s competitiveness and bottom line.
  9. Security Risks: Incomplete use of security features within the core banking software can leave the institution vulnerable to cybersecurity threats, potentially resulting in data breaches and associated costs.
  10. Scalability Challenges: As the institution grows, underutilized core banking software may struggle to scale efficiently, requiring additional investments in system upgrades or replacements.

Choose Wisely: Your Core Banking Partner Matters

Banks often underestimate the long-term impact of their core provider choice and sometimes fall for unnecessary bells and whistles that either aren’t appropriate for their institution, or cost more than they provide any real value. Each core provider brings its unique strengths and weaknesses to the table. To make an informed decision, banking executives must look beyond the surface and consider several crucial dimensions:

In the world of core banking solutions, one size does not fit all. Having a core partner that understands your institution’s unique needs and growth trajectory can be the differentiator that propels your bank to new heights of excellence. Please let me know if you have any questions or would like to speak more about this. Happy New Year!

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